Feminine vs. Masculine Energy
Oct 09, 2022
Each of us has access to all of the energy the Universe has to offer. There is nothing created by our Higher Power that we cannot access. While systemic racism, generational choices, cultural agreements, and personal decisions in our journeys may have kept us in circumstances that limited our access, it is available to us.
Two main channels of energetic living are our masculine and feminine energy approach to living and operating as a society. Living in your masculine or feminine energy is not gender-based. It's based on the traits we use to carry out our daily tasks, make decisions, handle relationships, establish values, and even our views about money.
I learned more about feminine vs. masculine energy while going through my professional training for my NLP certifications. Masculine energy is the energy of doing and action based, while feminine energy is the energy of being dynamic and flowing. Our bodies carry both of these energies. One is not better than the other. We need both and must work to balance the energy we carry to live an authentic life that promotes abundance, understanding, and wealth, not just for ourselves but for the collective.
Typically, you will be more dominant in one than the other. And without understanding these two energies will create unalignment, imbalance, and unhealthy environments. We deserve to live in environments promoting prosperity, love, and compassion. When we can access loving settings, it can improve our mental, emotional, and physical health. Source: How Your Environment Affects Your Mental Health
Masculine Energy Explained
Masculine energy can be described as predictable and stable. It likes rules and structure. It relies on focus, clarity, and the will to get things done. It is always looking for a logical approach to getting things done.
Some of the characteristics of masculine energy are focus, goal-oriented, supportive, confident, accountable, honest, boundaries, ambition, logic, doing, structure, and processes.
Right now, you may be reading this and saying that it really isn’t too bad. However, this thinking is the very reason why we cannot release our cultural agreements and why older generations keep thinking things like, “why do things have to change,” “that’s the way it's always been done,” and “it worked for me so why can’t it work for you.”
It’s like saying, “Well, Jim Crow laws worked for decades; they should have never outlawed segregation.” WRONG. The 14th Amendment of the United States granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States, including the formerly enslaved. It provided all with equal protection under the law. However, it never really happened. The 14th Amendment passed the Senate in 1866. The Civil Rights Act wasn’t signed into law until 1964 (by former President Lyndon B Johnson). It took almost 100 years for someone to say, “just because it’s always been that way doesn’t mean this can continue.” This is one example of when masculine energy can be adopted and used to disempower.
I typed all of this to say that there will be empowered and disempowering traits with everything.
When masculine energy is disempowering, it looks like being heartless, confrontational, abusive, controlling, overdoing, overthinking, aggression, emotionless, and perfectionism.
Feminine Energy Explained
Society’s standards have downplayed feminine energy for centuries. I’ll admit, when I first learned the concept, I immediately thought of the character Sinclair from Living Single.
I stereotyped feminine energy because of my cultural agreements and acceptance of society’s beliefs about what it means to be free-flowing and dynamic. Masculine energy was my primary reasoning and response system due to my upbringing, education, and experience in corporate environments. Once I looked honestly at my internal operating system, I realized I had access and was utilizing my feminine energy. I stood in board rooms, asked for change, and requested my superiors to think outside the box to improve the financial health of the companies I worked for. I valued my family and friendships. I’d always been willing to listen and hold space for others.
Feminine energy is not predictable nor easily explained by the rational mind.
It is intuitive. It is the true definition of IYKYK. You do not know how you know or why you know. You just know.
Feminine energy can make judgments outside of societal norms, wants to love others, and prioritizes the emotional process.
Some of the empowering characteristics of feminine energy are authenticity, receiving, playful, creative, intuitive, graceful, resting, empathic, receiving, expressive, and willingness to surrender.
Some of the disempowering characteristics of feminine energy are co-dependency, neediness, feeling unworthy, insecurity, manipulation, nativity, conforming, shrinking or playing small, over-apologizing, weak boundaries, shame & guilt, and over-emotional.
Finding Balance
To function healthily, we need to understand the balance between our feminine and masculine energy. It’s not about which is right or wrong. Balance is knowing when and how to tap into who you are so that you can honor your core values while evolving into your highest form of expression.
As I mentioned, I was primarily functioning in my masculine energy for most of my life. I had to do a lot of work to shift my beliefs and rewire my disempowering traits to allow room for change and opportunity. I realized I was always “on the go” and “doing the most.” I had some rewards, but the things I desired were missing.
I will write the process I used to find my energetic balance below. Following this process allowed me to release myself from procrastination, overthinking, emotional blocking, and the need to be the loudest, so I can learn the art of receiving, creativity, and authenticity (the empowered feminine energy) and learn to create & communicate my boundaries, be more confident in my abilities, increase my profitability, and create goals that were for what I wanted rather than the expectations of others (the empowered masculine energy).
If you feel called to find energetic balance, I invite you to pull out your journal and work through the process.
Step 1: Look out the traits I’ve outlined for empowering and disempowering states of feminine and masculine energy. How are they showing up in your romantic relationships, career/business, health, finances, spiritual wellness practices, friendships, and family?
Step 2: You will have empowered and disempowered traits if you are in the majority. For each disempowered trait, rewrite how you would like to manifest the empowered trait into your life.
Step 3: Create a column for your empowered feminine and masculine energy traits on a clean sheet of paper.
Step 4: Use your empowered feminine and masculine energy traits in your journaling and prayer study for the next 30 days.
It sounds simple because it is. These four steps will help you create a process to embody the identity of the higher self in an aligned, authentic, and empowered way.
To learn more about your energetic blueprint, download a free copy of your human design chart and the human design starter guide at https://www.selfmadesuccesssystem.com/free-human-design-chart.
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