Two Powerful Coaching Questions Every Coach, Healer, and Service Provider Should Know

business Nov 09, 2022

Let’s face the hard truth, most spiritual conscious coaches and healers are not reaching their goal, then are.

Healers are not lacking abundance because they do not understand hard work. Healers are lacking abundance because they work too damn hard.

See, here’s the thing.

If you are doing all of the energetic work on behalf of your clients, you do not have room to grow. There is nothing to grow because your energy is being depleted on the spiritual plane.

And, let’s add that you are undercharging for the work you are doing on behalf of the clients. Many of my clients had to learn this lesson the hard way. They would come to me wanting to grow their business, then limit access to their programs, and say, “energetically, I can only handle X amount of people at a time.”

A few years ago, I didn’t have the tools to coach them from this space.

Now I do. 

I coach with them questions like: “Why do you believe that?” and “What would you need to change to open more spots in your containers?”.

These are two of the fundamental change questions that I teach. Read through the following scenario to understand how these questions can shift your client’s perspective and have them committed to taking inspired actions for change.

🧭 “Why do you believe that?” 🧭 

This allows the Client to answer aloud what is holding them back from what they desire.  Because let’s face it if you have a $2000 per person program and a $100,000/year goal, but you can only work with ten clients at a time in your 12-week program… the math isn’t going to math itself. There are 52 weeks in a year. You can only offer your program 3x a year. Each cohort has ten clients, each of whom pays $2,000. That’s 30 multiplied by $2,000…. and that’s $60,000 all year before taxes, fees, and business expenses.

☝🏾You will never reach your goal with this.

Note: The additional twelve weeks will be used for promotion, launch, and enrollment in the next cohort.


🧭 What would you need to change to open more spots in your containers?” 🧭

This allows the Client to brainstorm what they need to do differently to reach their goal. Here’s is where coaching becomes powerful because the obvious answer for the Client is to raise their prices. I allowed this to be the option for a long time because I did not know better as a Coach. Now, if a Client’s first response is “raise my rates,” I ask, “what else can you do differently?”. I’m asking this to see what other steps may align with my client. I am also watching for sensory actions. 

Coaching Fact: Clients who are not aligned with their enrollment fees will never sell them confidently.

Your job as the Coach is to coach your clients to inspired actions. Inspired actions are aligned, and your client can perform with them with ease.

Here’s what I have learned about coaches and healers in this place. Raising their prices alone will not give them the time freedom they desire. Their time freedom is activated when they have transformational coaching and healing structure for their sessions.

Coaches and Healers are exhausted from Client work because they are doing the work on behalf of their clients when they should teach them how to activate and manage their own energetic work. By asking powerful questions, you enable your clients to see the mindset shifts they need to think about their high-value coaching and healing offer from a higher level of consideration. Raising rates is a ban-aid fix. Restructuring their offer to support higher transformation for their clients and creating the time-freedom they desire is a long-last effect for their personal and professional lives.

Once you have led your clients to a new perspective, now it’s time to help them create an action plan for success using the Empowered Coaching Technique.

The Empowered Coaching Technique

  • Step 1: Work with your client to turn their desired outcome into well-informed goals.

  • Step 2: Brainstorm with your client on the actions they need to take to achieve their desired outcome.

  • Step 3: Create time-stamped benchmarks.

  • Step 4: Align the actions within the benchmarks.

  • Step 5: Evaluate their work at the end of each benchmark.

This is a quick overview of my Empowered Coaching Technique framework. I’ll be teaching a more in-depth explanation on Sunday, November 21, 2021. (this event has passed).

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